EnotBannersCreator - Plugin for creating Minecraft flags
A plugin for creating Minecraft flags that allows you to create banners in the game and on the website in the online editor.

Support for multiple databases
- SQLite
- PostgreSQL
Economy support
- Vault
- PlayerPoints

Rotating Banners
Surprise your players with banners that spin right on their sleeper. You can also give out rights so that donors can create rotating banners.
You will be able to customize teams and limits for donors!

Command /bannersrotate
- enotbanners.rotatable.use
- enotbanners.rotatable.bypass
- enotbanners.rotatable.use
- enotbanners.rotatable.bypass

Multi language support
The plugin is localized into different languages

On Golem, you can quickly create your own flag and save it for yourself.

Catalog of Minecraft flags: https://mcgolem.com/services/banner/catalog
Create your own flags

Create a Minecraft flag: https://mcgolem.com/services/banner

Download the plugin
A plugin for creating flags in Minecraft with the ability to edit banners both online and in-game.

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