How to fix NBT tag errors

If you encountered the error Tried to read NBT tag that was too big; tried to allocate: 2097159 bytes where max allowed: 2097152, then you need to know how to fix it!

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What is the error?

The chunk causing the crash contains a block with too much NBT data. This is usually caused by the fact that your Minecraft server has made a crash item. For example, a crash book chunker.

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How to fix it?

You need to download the Panilla plugin - Prevent hacked items.

Panilla is a plugin for Minecraft servers to prevent abusive NBT (AKA hacked items) and harmful packets. Great for large creative-mode servers!

Supported on 1.8.8, 1.12.x-1.20.x!

With this plugin, you will be able to prevent:

  • Unobtainable Enchantments (eg. Sharpness X)
  • Unobtainable Potions (eg. Insta-kill or troll potions)
  • Unobtainable Fireworks
  • Client crash Books/"Ban Books"
  • Client crash Signs
  • Client crash Chests/Shulker Boxes
  • Client crash Potions (invalid CustomPotionColor\s)
  • NBT related server crash exploits
  • Oversized packets (which crash the client)
  • Long item names/item lore
  • Additional "AttributeModifiers" on items (eg. Speed)
  • Unbreakable items
  • Modified Spawn Eggs which can be exploitative (eg. massive Slimes which cause FPS dips)
  • heads. eg. HD heads created with (enable in config)
  • FAWE brush NBT (enable in config)
  • and more abusive NBT

More useful information can be found here: EnotTeam - Minecraft Servers Creation

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